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Passé Composé

The passé composé is the most common French past tense, often used in conjunction with the imperfect. The passé composé can express any of the following:

  • An action completed in the past

    • E.g. Ils ont déjà mangé – they have already eaten

  • An action repeated a number of times in the past

    • E.g. Oui, j'ai mangé cinq fois hier – Yes, I did eat five times yesterday

  • A series of actions completed in the past

    • E.g. Samedi, il a vu sa mère, a parlé au médicin et a trouvé un chat – On Saturday, he saw his mother, talked to the doctor, and found a cat.


The passé composé is a compound conjugation, which means it has two parts:

  • Present tense of the auxiliary verb (either avoir or être)

  • Past participle of the main verb


Like all compound conjugations, the passé composé may be subject to grammatical agreement:

  • When the auxiliary verb is être, the past participle must agree with the subject

  • When the auxiliary verb is avoir, the past participle may have to agree with its direct object


To conjugate:

Present tense of auxiliary verb + past participle of the second verb





















Auxiliary Verbs

French Lads 3AB online resource for verbs and verb tenses.

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